Roots of Empathy Delivers Program to SD46 Elementary Schools

It was a year of rich social emotional learning for nearly 200 primary students of SD46, with a neighbourhood infant and parent at the heart of the Roots of Empathy classroom program. Established in 1996, Roots of Empathy is an award winning, evidence-based classroom program that has shown dramatic effect in reducing levels of aggression and violence among school children while raising social/emotional competence and increasing empathy.

In each of the ten programs offered this year, a trained Roots of Empathy Instructor, working with the classroom teacher, encourages the children to observe the parent-child relationship and the baby’s development. They learn about infant safety and their own safety. Through observation of the baby’s temperament, their own temperament and that of their classmates, children gain insight into their own and others’ emotions. Through such experiential learning the children begin to identify and reflect upon their own feelings and the feelings of others, leading to the development of empathy and laying down the foundation for functional and potentially deep personal relationships.

I am able to use these topics as sounding boards for further social emotional learning. Roots of Empathy is an integral part of my teaching curriculum. (Yolanda McGillivray, 3rd Grade Teacher, Roberts Creek Elementary).

For more information on Roots of Empathy here on the Sunshine Coast, contact Sheila Wilson at Roberts Creek Community School. Phone: 885-3384 or email: [email protected] .

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