Sunshine Coast SEL
Healthy communities have robust Social Emotional Learning skills. By supporting the implementation of evidence-based programs which teach the five SEL core competencies, we are supporting and directing school & community initiatives that address SEL needs on the Sunshine Coast and beyond!
SEL Research and Resources
Fostering social and emotional learning (SEL) in children and youth has been shown by a growing body of research to make a real difference in children’s lives, both now and in the long term. We rely on this body of evidence to guide and shape the SEL programs we offer to students on the Sunshine Coast. There’s plenty to read about and learn—get started here.
The 5 Domains of SEL
Social Emotional Learning Programs for Educators
- Mind Up for Educators: A scientifically researched and evidence-based curriculum and professional development program designed to improve the overall wellbeing of children and youth by equipping them with vital social and emotional literacy skills that help them to thrive and navigate 21st century challenges. The curriculum targets issues like stress, anxiety-reduction and aggression by building capacity for perspective-taking, self-regulation, empathy and gratitude.
- Mindfulness-based programs: Mindfulness stress reduction programs are intensive, highly participatory trainings that cultivate the skills necessary to become aware of and regulate thoughts, emotions and behaviours to more effectively manage stress and improve health and well-being.
- Roots of Empathy: an international evidence-based classroom program that builds social emotional competence and increases empathy in students. At the heart of the program are a neighbourhood infant and parent.
- smartEducation (SMART: Stress Management and Resiliency Techniques) is an evidence-based program designed to address the needs of educators (K-12 and post-secondary), professional support staff, mental health professionals and community leaders, involved in the education and care of children, youth, and young adults.