Research and Evidence Supporting Social Emotional Learning Outcomes
A growing body of research shows that fostering social and emotional learning (SEL) in children and youth makes a real difference in children’s lives. Here is some of the evidence we use to inform the SEL programs offered to Sunshine Coast students, and some of the resources we rely on to to continue enriching and expanding our offerings:
- Social and Emotional Development in the Early Years (B.C. Healthy Child Development Alliance Presentation) 60 minute Version, 30 minute Version
- Anxiety Problems in Children and Adolescents - Offord Centre for Child Studies
- Social and Emotional Development in the Early Years
- Caring About Caring: What Adults Can Do to Promote Young Childrens' Social Skills
- Kelty Mental Health Resource Center - Stress Management Resources for Children & Youth
- Sunshine Coast School District Community Resources
- The Heart-Mind Index Fact Sheet