After School Sports and Arts Initiative
RCCS coordinates and delivers free after school fine arts and sports programming to students at every elementary school in the district. Accomplished local artists and coaches mentor students to stretch their abilities with the built-in support of a staff person experienced in bringing out the best in children. Sessions are 7-8 weeks in duration and prioritize students who face barriers to access. Classes are limited to 12 students and are funded by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture, and Sport.
Some of the arts offerings to date have included fibre arts, pottery, shadow puppetry, outdoor art, drawing, watercolours, and multi-media. A number of mountain bike programs are offered to select school cohorts every spring and/or fall. Other sport offerings have included skateboarding, cooperative games, and outdoor programming. All efforts are made to provide equipment for those who may not own a mountain bike, helmet, skateboard or other required equipment.
Contact [email protected] to learn about current programming and to register students for Roberts Creek and Cedar Grove programs.